An Amazing Clear Phantom Burr from the Fantasia Crystal Mine! |
Since this mine was kept a secret for so many years, it's amazingly beautiful crystals have barely been touched leaving a spectacular amount of exploration to still occur. While the mine sits on a full 20 acres, less than 1.5 acres has been touched to date. As of 2012 we are at the 20 foot level, and tests have shown there are crystals that keep getting bigger and nicer at least as deep as 90 feet - possibly even deeper!
The Fantasia Crystal Mine is guaranteed to produce a lifetime of crystals, and her hidden treasures are just beginning to surface. So far the crystals mined at this location have been amazing, rivaling some of the most beautiful formations from more heavily dug and established mines (such as Fantasia's own Avatar Crystal Mine) in the Mt. Ida area. We can't wait to see what else is uncovered as we dig deeper in this amazing crystal mining paradise. |